I took Sarah to see her surgeon for her follow-up appointment today. We had to go to get the girl some new shoes because the pair she wore to the hospital were misplaced ... some people will do anything to be able to shop for shoes in NYC ;-) ... not! We had the cab driver from you know where. He yelled at us and drove like a maniac, hurting Sarah's leg. He did finally get us to the store and we were able to find Sarah a pair of tennis shoes that were cute, comfy and on sale! From there we got another cab to her Dr's office. This cab was have some sort of mechanical problem and kept overheating at every stoplight. We weren't sure that we'd make it. This cab driver was much nicer and made sure that we got to our appointment on time. Once Sarah was taken back to the exam room, Sarah was seen by Dr. Feldman's nurse, Ella. After a few questions about how Sarah was doing, she had the x-ray tech take Sarah in for a few fancy x-rays. After several attempts, they got all of the x-ray's. Ella cut off Sarah's dressing to reveal a 22 inch scar that is healing beautifully. She removed all of the dressings and over 100 staples and put about 30 steri-strips along the incision. Dr. Feldman is impressed with Sarah's range of motion. Her kneecap is in place for the first time in her life and her leg looks like it's going to function normally. YEAHHHHH!!!!!! She's got about 50 degrees of motion in the leg at this point. She will continue PT and using the CPM to passively mobilize the leg 3 hours a day. She can put full weight on her leg now, but must have the immobilizer on her leg unless she is using the CPM.Sarah is delighted that she can finally take a shower ... no baths yet, but showers are okay. That's great news since it's really hard to wash her mane of hair with her bent over the tub. We will see the surgeon in Raleigh and are bringing a CD with the xrays with us. Dr. Feldman also gave me a Rx for PT for Sarah in Raleigh. We'll schedule an appointment with her Raleigh Orthopaedic to schedule PT and to follow up with her in a couple of weeks. I need to take some photos and video of Sarah's progress for Dr. Feldman. We will fly back up here for an appointment in mid-July.We will be flying home Thursday afternoon as long as the airlines don't cancel, delay or reschedule our flight.Thanks for all the well-wishes and prayers, Barb and Sarah