Holy Shedding Hair Follicles Batman!!

Hey Mare, My hair is falling out bythe handfuls too. I kept thinking I should save this and get me some extensions with it but alas it just layed there on the bathroom floor and then inthe trash can. I got my hair cut shorter so it isnt as noticeable. The hair girlie at the shop said the nioxin is good but it is like 25 bucks for a bottle of shampoo. Too rich for my blood. The nut said protein protein protein it helps keep it attached. I guess we can reveal in teh fact it will grow back. Thank you Lord! Sorry I was no help but i feel your pain Melissa
429/395/225/184/185 6' height
1st dr appt/surgery/dr goal/current/my goal
So here’s the program:
1. Make sure you get at least 60 grams of protein every day beginning as soon as you get out of the hospital. Use shakes until you can get enough food. Build up to 80-100 grams when you can. Rationale: Protein is essential for hair growth and hair that doesn't grow falls out.
2. Force the fluids. At least 64 oz a day the first week or two then bump it up to 80-100 oz per day. Rationale: Fluids flush out the ketones your body makes when burning fats. Ketones are toxic to rapidly dividing cells like the hair follicles. (This makes a lot of sense to me, ketones are bad things.)
3. Beginning the first week after surgery, add 100mg of Zinc and 200 mcg of Selenium to your supplements. Crush these tablets for the first 3 months to guarantee absorption. Rationale: These mineral support the telogenic (resting) phase of hair growth.
Biotin supplements may also help, some swear by them. Nothing you put ON your hair from the outside will do anything to prevent loss, although it may plump up the individual strands and make your hair seem thicker. Topical emulsions don't usually penetrate the scalp to the level of the hair follicles--Minoxidil is an exception to this general rule. Hope this offers some help. Good luck. If I can ever get approved for surgery, I hope I don't lose too much hair. Course, right now, what I wouldn't give to have that problem...
~Angela Patience + Persistence = POWER!!
Angelette to MajorMom Angel to Blue Rose and MsPPPants
HW/SW/CW/DGW/GW 305/294/145/167/140 -160 pounds total
I have a new philosophy, I'm only going to dread one day at a time. Charlie Brown