OT Please pray for my Uncle
I dont know what else could possibly happen this week but its been the worst week EVER. The phone rang last night at 11pm, I thought it would be my mom to tell me my Grandma had finally passed away, instead it was my Uncle, remember he was admitted and was three doors down from my Grandma for his back, well they were concerned it was not his back and had him do a stress test yesterday and guess what? he goes in this morning at 8 am west coast time for Quadruple heart bypass surgery.. he has one complete blockage and the other two arteries are semi blocked... he was also moved to a different hospital so now my mom and her sister have to run 40 minutes up and down the road to be with my Grandma who is still alive and to check on my Uncle. Please everyone say a prayer for my Uncle, he is totally scared and has a darling little 6 year old daughter and a sweet wife who is worried sick. I cant take anymore stress right now.. I am going to sit and wait for my aunt to call and tell me when hes out of recovery and hope and pray everything goes well for him. Thanks everyone for listening to me and all my problems I have had this week 

Boy oh boy... between the both of us it has been a week huh? UGH! I will definately keep your Uncle in my thoughts and prayers, along with your Grams and all the family! My Dad had quad bypass a few years ago and is sooooo much better now, I hope that is the case for your Uncle! Keep us posted please! I pray for your sanity also (along with mine..). Call if you need me, I'll do what I can for sure!
You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145