It's been a trying week... Stressssssed girl here!
I'm so glad this week is almost over! I got a phone call last Friday telling me that my 2nd Mom passed away, she was my Best friends Mom growing up (She helped me through so much growing up, almost as much as my own Mom) so that made me sad and feeling lonely because they're in San Diego and there is just no way I could have gone out for the fumeral yesterday, and then yesterday I got a call from my Mom telling me that my Uncle Bob passed away and the fumeral is on Tuesday morning. I can't take any time off work and I get off on Tuesday at 7am, have to be at my folks house at 8am and the fumerall is at 10:30 in Shallote, NC. I hope I can sleep a little in the car but past experience isn't good. Then I just got off the phone with my Mom again and my Aunt in Kentucky just passed away last night... Gees! Now I can't take off any more time at work because we're short handed and her funeral is next Saturday (again, I'd get off work at 7am on Saturday morning and have to fly out at 9am from the airport right down the road)... I am very frustrated, stressed, Very Very sad, depressed and anxious. Rex is trying to be helpful but he just hasn't seen me this way because I'm usually upbeat and not much bothers me... I feel Very SICK and I have to go to work tonight on top of it... ugh! Thanks for letting me vent. I just don't know what I'm going to do. I have to go take a nap in an hour so I can function tonight... Chat with ya'll later! Sheryl
I am sorry for your loss. It has been a jacked up week for me too. I did a u turn on a freaking one way street and didn't relize it till I seen cars coming my way. My mind wonders. I am soon going to give up on driving and I am only 43 years old. I hope God will bless you and your family in a special way.