It's been a trying week... Stressssssed girl here!
First of all, I'm so very sorry for the losses that you have sustained. I know that you must be reeling. Please take the time you will need to take care of you. I know that you are short-handed at work, but you need to do what you need to do for you. While it might not seem like it, they will survive at work even if you aren't able to be there. If you decide that going will not be in your best interest, I urge you to take time to honor your grief and loss. It's so very important to take care of you.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Thanks for the well wishes and prayers ya'll... I finally had a moment to log on and read your sweet messages! I'm doing alright, Tuesday's going to be rough but I know I'm strong and will get through it. The up side is that I'm going to see a lot of family and friends, some that I haven't seen in over 5 years (prior to WLS), so it'll be interesting. But I also know there is going to be a lot of "comfort" food and I will have to resist, so I pray for strength (to say no to my hand automatically going for that yummy something or another)...
Thanks again, ya'll are the best!!!