It's been a trying week... Stressssssed girl here!
Thank you! I do feel better since venting here on OH... I'm glad you and your Sis were able to see your Dad before he passed, that's the way it was when my Grammy passed in 2002, she waited until all 4 of her kids and spouses and the 9 of us Grandkids could be with her. My folks are in their mid 60's so not too old but us kids are already talking about how we want to handle things as they age. Anyway, I'm hanging in here.
Thanks again!
Hey sugar girl,
Thanks for the prayers!!! We're doing ok. I have been going through music trying to decide what to sing. I have a few things I've sung at other funerals so that makes it a little easier since I won't have to learn something all new. I'm ready for the new week to begin and close out this once and for all. We guesss I better go get ready for work.
See you Wednesday, I AM looking forward to that!
Hey Sheryl,
Just got home from work to your news. I am so sorry for all these losses to you and your family. Stuff like that can just take it all outta you! Please know that I am here to offer any help or support I can possibly provide to you. I will pray for you and your family as you struggle through these difficult times.