DIZZY? What could be the cause?
I agree with everyone else on the vitamins. Sorry that your surgeon didn't emphasize them, they are critical. I actually take a regular swallowable multi because I can't fine one that's chewable that has enough of what I need in it. I can swallow them now that I"m further out. I take a lot of vitamins, I really identified with the comment above about you probably being shocked at how much I take. I took a lot before surgery though which I partially attribute my good health too prior to weight loss.
I just wanted to emphasize the importance of staying hydrated. Dizzyness can be a sign of dehydration. I find that often people, including myself, are not drinking near what they think they are. I would suggest that for a couple of days, you journal what you are drinking. You might be surprised. You should be getting a minimum of 64 ounces of water a day. I know others will tell you coffee counts, but it's a diuretic, so I don't count it. Try this for a few days, see if you are really drinking what you think you are.
Finally, I wanted to say this. I get dizzy when I bend over to tie my shoes. I don't know why, I didn't do it before surgery. I get what I need hydration wise, my blood pressure is great, and my labs are fabulous. I keep forgetting to ask Dr. Chapman if that's something common to us. My current theory is that my waist band is pressing in on something. It's only when pressure is applied to my abdomen. Can't say what it is exactly, but next time I go, I'll ask.
Hope you find the answers you seek.
Take care.