I wish I could say I'm being patient BUT this is the hardest part so far. I feel like I should be doing something. All of my paperwork has been submitted to CIGNA for approval. I've made a few phone calls tp make sure they received it and what not. I called this morning to check the status and they said that it is now in review. That's good right? My mantra is that "I'm clooser than I've ever been..." but dang this is hard.
I've gone ahead and started Dr. MacDonald's adkins required diet so that way there are no hold ups on my end. I must admit that I have had a very hard time breaking off my relationship with Carbs. The first few days were HARD. I felt like I was in a fog and boy did I feel like crap but things are getting better and I'm much happier now.
Thanks for listening to me ramble. I haven't been posting much lately but I have been reading everyones posts - keep up the good work gang yall are all incredible.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
Hey Iris,
I'm sorry the insurance approval is taking so long. Hopefully you will hear something soon! Kudos to you for starting the low carb diet. I did the same thing as I didn't want ANYTHING to hold up my surgery date. I had my appt with Dr. Mac on October 1 and b/c I had been doing the low carb diet, I could have had surgery 4 days later! We opted to wait though due to other reasons, but I still only had it about 8 days later!!!
Anyway, all this to say your time is coming! I know I'm not good at being patient either, but it will happen-- before you know it! Keep us posted! :)
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
I completely understand the anxiety you are feeling. It's so difficult when someone else is deciding your fate. Hopefully, you will have a letter in the mail today and you can relax the rest of the weekend!
I started the low carb thing on Tuesday (the day of my pre-op). I feel bad now about not starting it earlier, but I already had my surgery date (June 10th) and the Nut said two weeks of pre-op. Maybe I should have gotten a head start...lazy me. The diet has been an experience I have to say. I feel like I'm being naughty because it seems like I'm eating all the things that you usually try to cut back on when your dieting. The only thing I miss is my sweets and maybe pasta a little. But, I've discoved that heavy whipping cream has very few to zero carbs depending on the brand and that with some sugar free jello is tasty. It doesn't quite hit the same spot at ice cream, but it will get me through. Well, good luck and let us know when you get that approval!