10 more days till surgery
I can believe that I only have 10 more days. I went today to do my pre-op for the hospital
When I left from there it was like reality hit me. I said Oh My Gosh, I am fixin to change my whole lifestyle! I am starting to get a little nervous, I hope I am the 1st one that morning! I pray that I don't have to stay in the recovery room like some of you have! This time next week I will be freakin out!! I am going to Beaufort next weekend to a family renioun so that should help me stay a little calm. Thank you all for your support, you have been great!!!!! Lots of Luv<3

Yay. I am so proud. Girl I am so ready for you to sit on this bench beside me. This is the best feeling in the whole wide world. I am glad to be called a "LOSER"!! Let me know if you need anything. And remember to stay calm, its okay, if anything you should be excited, look how far you have already come. You are just taking the final step in all this pre-op stuff. You will be fine. I promise.
Love ya girlie,