OT ... We're out of the hospital and at the Ronald McDonald House in Manhattan
~getting healthy isn't a competition~ =)
starting weight: 267 lbs (highest weight: 270+)
current weight: 139 lbs
total weight loss since surgery: 128 lbs
Hi Amy,
Thanks for the well wishes.
My daughter has had MAJOR reconstructive surgery at a speciality hospital in NY. Her surgery was last friday and she was just released last night. We have to stay in NY until next Thursday so that the surgeon can follow her closely. It's been a difficult and painful recovery, but she's a trooper and is doing well.
You look just fabulous!! I love your new avatar. When I come up for air, I think I'll see about getting a new one myself. My last Avatar is about 15-20 lbs ago.
Keep up the good work and thanks again,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145

~getting healthy isn't a competition~ =)
starting weight: 267 lbs (highest weight: 270+)
current weight: 139 lbs
total weight loss since surgery: 128 lbs
Thanks for the prayers and the compliment. I think I was about 162 - 164 when I had the portraits done in December and now I'm about 142 - 144 ... It's hardd to be lieve that I'm actually 20 lbs lighter. I know that my Dr. said my 'ideal' weight is another 5 - 8 lbs, but I'm starting to look a little 'old' if you know what I mean ... too much weight can make us look matronly, but too little and we can start looking a little like a haggard old lady. I was looking at myself in the mirror this morning, thinking how much my 50 years are showing ... lack of sleep, worry, and kidney stones can do that to a gal. I've lost a lot of 'volume' in my face, chest and backside and I just don't really want to lose anymore. I'm trying to hold on to the weight I have. Some people think I'm nuts because we can 'expect about a 10% bounce back', but I honestly wouldn't have a big problem with going back 10% ... I'd still be thinner than I am in the current avatar photo.
Thanks again,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
You are soooo right. While I still woke a number of times last night and made sure Sarah got her meds, it was so good not to be woken for vitals, etc... And I know that you know how that goes.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Thanks for the support, prayers and well-wishes. I hope that darn kidney stone gets 'lost' and never returns ... not likely, but one can hope.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hi Andrea,
Thanks so much for keeping ALL of us in your thoughts and prayers. You are absolutely right. It's been hard for Ben to not be able to be here. On the other hand, hospitals just make his skin crawl so we knew that I would be the one to be up here. I'm looking forward to getting home. I know that Ben and Sarah are looking forward to our homecoming too.
Thanks again,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145