a new option in clothing
I have never worn short sleeved anything in public for many many moons.
The thought of it was something I did not dare do.
At home and in private I wear short sleeves ot camesoles around my house.
So a few weeks ago I bought a halter type top the kind that ties behind your neck.
This morning I have my snazzy halter top on and when I look in the mirror it looks ok.
Yes I have bat wings like crazy but when my arms are down they look ok.
So do I dare take the next step and go in public in short sleeves?
In a word ~~~~ ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!! Dang Annie, look how far you have come girlfriend!!!!! Wear that halter top wth pride ~ you deserve it!!!!! You are beautiful!!! And I am sure it looks so much better than just "ok". Go for it!!
Life is short ~ dance like no one's watching!!
Thanks Donna,
OH My this is going into uncharted territory for me LOL
I just saw some tube tops at Target.
Dont think I could do that because the model wearing them has a nice flat stomach with a perfect belly button showing.
As for size my XL tank tops are now>>>>>>TOO BIG LOL going to get a LARGE if we go to Walmart today.
When you say bat wings are you all including all the wrinkles that pile up in the corners of your eldbows when your arms hang down. My arms look like my mother in laws did. The back is fine but from the front they are very wrinkled like my butt. I took to the tanning bed and my butt looks like a road map LOL. I guess when you lay out you gotta smooth out all the wrinkles so everything tans. I guess if I spent half my life walking around sweeting in sleeveless with fat budgy arms what should skinny wrinkly ones matter. Hmmm guess I am thinking it is an age thing now.
Beginning weight: 284
Surgery weight: 251
Current weight: 149