Charlotte Area Get Together
Hey Jenn, Sounds like a good plan. I will be bring George along also, My girlfriend and I leave tommorrow morning for Flordia til next Saturday. We will be staying with my Mom til Friday and then go to the east coast to see my girlfrinds sister. It will be exciting to see my Mom's face when she see's me, since our December GW outing. I'll check back to see were we will be meeting.
Glad your on the road to recovery. When do you go back to see Dr. K?
I am sad.
Since it's a 3 hour drive each way for me from here to Charlotte, 5:30 pm on a Sunday is too late because of having to be at work bright and early on Monday morning. Y'all have a great time and maybe I can catch you next time.

Life is short ~ dance like no one's watching!!
Sorry to say I won't be able to make it again. I have a mediation in Nashville TN at 9 am on 6/2 so gotta fly out Monday afternoon. You all have fun and I hope to catch the next one!!
I am planning on making the drive to see the Raleigh group in July (think it is the 3rd week). I have a minivan so as time gets closer if anyone else wants to join me, I'd be happy to take you.