YIPPEEEE i can have a drink!!
Went to the doc today for my 3 month check up. Asked him when i could have a drink and after he asked me a lot of questions about my food tolerance, he told me i can have one now and then!! While I have never drank a whole lot, I do like to have a drink now and then after a rough day at work!! I planned all the way home how I was gonna have a drink tonight and then reality hit and I remembered i am on antibiotics for an abcessed tooth so it will have to wait a few days...lol!!
Such small things can make me happy!
p.s. my appt went great and all my levels are doing just fine.
Oh Pam, that sounds exciting! It's probably not even so much the drink itself, just knowing that you can have one if you want to is the big part! :) My Dr says not before one year, so I have another 4 1/2 months to go! :) I'm with you...never was a big drinker before, but sure would like to have one from time to time. :)
Let us know how it works out when you do have one (after you're done with the antibiotics, of course!)
It is amazing how our docs differ so much. I have been thinking about a drink for a month. Think it will be sugar free cranberry juice and vodka...lmao.
Feel like a teenager having the forbidden fruit. Last dose of antibiotics is tomorrow morning so we know what i will be doing tomorrow nite.
thanks, Pam
He did tell me because of calories to stay away from sweet drinks or ones with mixers high in calories. I take the rest of my antibiotics this morning so maybe tonigt or tomorrow will be diet cranberry juice and vodka. After knowing now I can have it, the excitement has settled down and i question if i want to waste the calories....lol.
Take care, Pam
Hi Pam,
I waited maybe 6 months out but from my experice one glass or mixed drink will do it!!!!!
Sometimes I will have one glass of wine and off to the clouds I go.
If I get to high in the clouds I will munch on a few crackers and that seems to bring me right down from my ride.
Tread lightly go easy and be aware lots of sugar in mixers.
I like Diet Splash if I have a mixed drink but normally stick to a glass of wine from time to time.