Hello...Just wandering. I have been so excited and counting the days down until I have my surgery. I have surgery next Thursday. Today of all days, it hit me like a ton of bricks how close it is. I have suddenly gotten scared, nervous all roled in one. Are these normal emotions? Has anyone else felt like this before surgery?
Awww Amy.. we all felt that way at some point or another. I did feel very nervous and anxious right before surgery. I think that I was not as anxious as I should have or could have been though because I feel that I went into surgery very carefully and prayerfully. Just keep your faith.. Think about how much better you will look and feel after it is all said and done. Think of the years you will add to your life and the extra time you will have with Jade.
I am here for you! Please call or email me if you need to talk. :)
Perfectly normal... we all went/ will go through it. Just like Jen said, remmeber WHY you are doing it and think about how great you will feel afterward! Maybe not immediately, but not too far after surgery. You are going to do great!!!! Keep us posted and let us know how things are going!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
I went crazy with all the emotions the few weeks before surgery. The excitement, apprehension, fear, etc were all there. I did know if I didn't have it, obesity would kill me and this was my best chance to live a normal healthy life. It is all normal and the gang here really helped me get past it.
Just keep talking and praying! We are all here for you!
Take care and God Bless!
p.s. Please keep us posted on your journey.
You know, I went for my pre-op visit with the nurse and (my last!!) pre-op visit with Dr Gersin today and when I was sitting in the waiting room, it kind of hit me that I was nervous and anxious. I wanted to cry all of a sudden for no reason at all. Then, I just prayed, and I asked the Lord that if I was doing the right thing to let me feel a calmness. Almost instantly, I felt a peace with everything. I know Amy, that you are doing the right thing. And, you know as well as I do that God is going to take care of you. You know that I (as well as MANY other people!!) will be praying for you. Love ya gal!
So normal! And I think healthy too! This is a major surgery, and you need to go into it knowing that you've thought it through completely. I was all excitement until we were driving to the hospital the morning of my surgery. Between that drive, and the time I sat in pre-op, that's when I got hit by my ton of bricks. :) You'll make it through the emotions, and come out so glad that you did it! :)