OT Round 2 ...Sarah's surgery
As many of you know my 13 year old daughter, Sarah, is having surgery to correct a congenital birth defect. We just got the cardiac clearance to allow her to proceed with the surgery. Sarah and I are flying to NYC tomorrow afternoon after she finishes her end of grade testing because she is having reconstructive surgery on her left left leg Friday morning, May 23rd at 10:30am. The procedure that Sarah will have is called a Judet Arthroplasty. She will have her the left leg broken and reset and will have the leg reconstructed from below the knee, up the thigh to her hip. The surgery will be performed by the head of Orthopedics at NYC Hospital for Joint Disease. Dr. Feldman expects the surgery to take about 6 hours. He has successfully done this procedure for other children that have the same condition that Sarah has. Sarah has been lucky enough to be in touch with a boy about her age that had this done last year. He told her what to expect and that he'd do it again. We all know how important it is to be able to reach out to someone who has traveled the road we are about to travel; especially when you are looking at a possibly painful, dangerous, but lifechanging procedure.
We'll check into the Ronald McDonald House in Manhattan tomorrow night and she'll have her surgery Friday morning. I'll probably be at the hospital with Sarah most of the time until she is released. Sarah will be kept in the hospital for 4 or 5 days after the surgery to help manage the pain and begin physical therapy. We will be staying at the Ronald McDonald House for about 10 days after she's released from the hospital because the Dr. wants to be able to follow her closely. We are scheduled to fly home June 5th.
I have faith in the medical team that is going to be taking care of her, but I dread the long surgery and the painful recovery she will have to endure. Apparently, the recovery is painful enough that they may give her epidurals after the surgery to help her manage the pain.
Please keep my dear girl in your thoughts and prayers.
I'll try to update by email.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I know that once she makes it through the surgery, I'll continue to pray that her pain is managed as well as possible. It's one of the reasons I'll probably spend most of my time at the hospital with her. I know that early on she'll be on a PCA which I hope will help her. I'm really dreading having her in so much pain, but I know that the relatively short-term intense pain will relieve the daily pain that she experiences with the constant dislocation of the kneecap that occurs everytime she takes a step or moves her leg. I know that this is necessary and in her best interest. I also know that she desperately wants this chance at normalcy and it is my desire and job to ensure that she gets all the support I can muster to ensure she get what she needs.
Thanks for the support and prayers,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Thank your so much for your kind words and for your thoughts and prayers. They are truly appreciated.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Thanks ...
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Thanks so much ...
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145