Three month surgiversary!
Okay-I am officially out of the Fat Chick Closet! I just started browsing thru this site and am amazed at all the real love and support you have for each other. I might be a fat chick today, but I am a skinny chick waiting to happen. Got my surgery date scheduled today thru Dr Roc's office. Lift off is June 11th at 9:30 am. I don't get to come to this site often becuase I have a busy house, but you folks are just great. I'll be counting on my sister PAM to help me thru this!! Will keep up as I can on the postings. Hope to meet some of you in Raleigh with Pam in July. Hoping I can be out and about by then-barring complications!!!
I am so glad that your surgery is the 11th. I leave for vacation on the 13th and this way I can come the evening of your surgery to check on you!! I love you gal !! Just 3 more weeks and you will be on the losers bench with the rest of us. And complications are not allowed!!
Take care and love ya,
Do you think it was the yolks? I prefer egg beaters anyway! Lower cholesterol. I wore my one inch pin today in preparation for my liquid diet coming up. I'm trying to get my head in a good place.
My husband is very supportive of me, but he has never had a weight problem and doesn't really understand the complexities of an obese person's body image and the vicious cycles you get into with food. It's great to have a whole network of people who have been there and know the story, isn't it?? Maybe if we bring our own eggbeaters, the cook will scramble some up for ya! Take care!!
Good for you Debi on wearing your pin.
I will be getting keychains and magnets soon with the same logo.
Bringing our own egg beaters now that is a thought.
Maybe I will get brave and try scrambled eggs again soon.
I figure if I can munch on jerky I should be able to do eggs.
Still have to chew the jerky really well.
Jerly is high in protien and low in carbs.
Perkins does hae wonderful vegtable beef soup I enjoy.
Dont know what I would do without my soups.