approved lurker
Thank all of you for your encoragement and support.. I go for my pre-op May 29th and will see what instructions I get then.. in the meantime I'm being very least I don't want to gain any. Of course I am having all the "head" games that I will be forever deprived of a dear friend. ,, and that thought makes me want to consume all my favorites while I can.. but I am resisting so far! It gives a whole new meaning to "the last supper".
Hi 2b!
Dr. Pirrello had me drop about 40 lbs prior to surgery (I had rny fobi) - I was successful by watching calories as well as carbs and protein. I tracked protein grams, carb grams, water drinking, and calories. I stayed between 800-1000 calories and did this over a two month time span. Good luck, you'll do great. (And I just love Jon, he rocks and knows his stuff!)
Thanks Robin.. nice to hear from a Dr. P. patient.. You did a great job losing 40 lbs in 2 months.. I have been almost 3 weeks and nothing.. monitoring calories etc at The Daily Plate. Upping the exercise to see if that will get things started .. realizing how physically inactive I am.. takes nothing to get me winded. I figure a little at a time... slow but sure is better than nothing at all. Bought WII FIT today and played some tonight... thought I would croak before I got to the finish line running a short distance race! Pretty sad when a game can get you whopped !!!!!!! Of course carrying a hundred pounds of baggage is enough to wear you out.