approved lurker
Ok..I admit to lurking for a couple of months doing my homework.. Just got my Lapband surgery date this morning..and now I'm crazy nervous!!!!!!! As if the srugery itself is not enough to be nervous about,....check out the date ..June 13th.. happens to be Friday the 13th.. must start chanting..the 13th will be my lucky day.
Been doing strict Atkins for 2 1/2 weeks and lost nothing.. have to lose some or surgeon will cancel. He want to see commitment as well as the liver shrinking thing. Atkins always workied for me before but now that I really need it ... nothing! Guess I will buckle down even more and make it only lean protein and lots of water.. at least I'll get some exercise running to the potty. Ten days to pre-op and have to be down a few pounds... any tips? Already cut out all white foods and doing extremely low carbs...if any.
Hey, welcome to coming out of the lurking closet! :)
I wouldn't recommend cutting out all carbs completely. Maybe just keep your carbs to the green veggie types: green beans, brocolli, etc. Also...are you moving? Make sure to get some kind of exercise in, walking if nothing else. Are you tracking your food/exercise at all? I've found that the easiest way to keep track and get good no-kidding feedback about what I'm eating on a daily basis is the online sites. My favorite is You can also checkout and Good luck!
P.S. 13 is one of my lucky's all what you make of it. If Friday the 13th is going to be your re-birthday, then it sounds like 13 just might be becoming one of your lucky numbers too! :)
Hey loser, keep doing the low carb, high protein and drink water and walk! It will come off and surgery will be much safer if you can shrink that liver. And June 13th will be the beginning of a whole new life, forget that superstitious stuff... it's also my DH's birthday and my 96 yo grandmother's birthday so it will be a GRAND day! You CAN do it! good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
Alice in OneDerland
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
Doing less than 30 gr of carbs.. have not invested in the ketosticks this time.. I have been walking.. obviously not enough . .. wish I could read this board while walking... it would pass the time and not be quite so boring. . here's to my commitment to upping the water and the walking/moving.. thanks to all for your encouragement...
Hello and Welcome!
You'll lose weight on Atkins, no doubt about that. Are you counting your carbs? How many grams of carbs are you taking in? Are you testing your urine with ketosticks? That will put to rest any doubt you might have as to whether the diet is working for you. Keep it under 60 gr of carbs and your liver will shrink. Keep it under 40 gr of carbs and you will lose weight and the ketostick will turn purple. Keep up the great work and keep us posted!
I am so excited you got a surgery date. My doc had me do 6 carnation instant breakfast drinks a day for 2 weeks prior to surgery and lost a lb a day for the entire 14 days. Would start at 7 am and drank one every 2 1/2 hours so never got a chance to be hungry. You need to do whatever your doc and nut have recommended. I am flying on Friday the 13th and worked on the 13th floor of a building 35 years ago and look at it as a lucky number. It will really be an awesome day for you.
Take care and keep us posted on your progress. This is the best place to ask questions or just learn.
Congratulations on getting a surgery date! Mine's not till July 21st, so I'd jump all over June 13th and not even worry about it being a Friday, LOL! The 13th was always my mom's lucky number, so I'd make it mine.....I mean, how lucky are you to be starting your fabulous journey in less than a month!? Hang in there and good luck with Atkins!