Where: Golden Corral, Jacksonville
Time: 6:00 pm
When Tuesday May 27th
Let me know if this date works for everyone, this month has been hectic and has flown by!!! This get together is open to anyone on the board that wants to come!! If anyone needs directions let me know, its located in the shopping center with the *old* Walmart off Marine Blvd, which is basically Hwy 17 heading towards Maysville. Hope to see everyone there!!
Good afternoon everyone, I am new to this board b/c I recently moved to NC. I LOVE IT by the way. I had RNY surgery 2 years ago this August and am down 130 lbs. Got about 50 to go. But things have seriously slowed down.
Anyway, I live right around the block from the Golden Corral and was wondering if anyone can attend the Get Together AND if anyone knew of a good bypass surgeon in Onslow County that I can hook up with for a check up. I need bloodwork and just a good Doc to follow up with me. Any ideas?
Thanks for all of your help :)
HI Erika
No one really *is* from Jacksonville LOL I was active duty Marines and hubby still is so we are stuck in this crappy town till we get orders someplace NICE!!! we both are from California and would much rather be in our home state where the weather is much nicer and there are soooo many other things to do
OF COURSE you can come to the meeting.. bad news about a *local* bypass surgeon.. there is not ONE in Onlsow County, mine is in Greenville along with several other good ones and there are a few in Wilmington. Im looking forward to getting to meet you!! we have a great group that gets together once a month here in Jacksonville and we have a good time!
No one really *is* from Jacksonville LOL I was active duty Marines and hubby still is so we are stuck in this crappy town till we get orders someplace NICE!!! we both are from California and would much rather be in our home state where the weather is much nicer and there are soooo many other things to do

OF COURSE you can come to the meeting.. bad news about a *local* bypass surgeon.. there is not ONE in Onlsow County, mine is in Greenville along with several other good ones and there are a few in Wilmington. Im looking forward to getting to meet you!! we have a great group that gets together once a month here in Jacksonville and we have a good time!