Hit the motherload
Ok, so yesterday was bummed cause I wasn't going to make the trip to Raleigh (had a wedding to attend in the pm) so I decided to head to the flea market in the morning instead. So, I was browsing around and just happened upon a table with a lot of clothes and started looking. So, I have been thinking I need to go down a size in pants here as of late. I have been in 8's mainly and she had lots and lots of 6's and very high quality things. So I mentioned that I had gastric bypass and she said she had too almost 6 years ago but that she had gained about 30 pounds back due to thyroid problems. So, I made out like a fat rat....somewhere around 30 pair of pants and capri's, 7 or so shirts, one dress and 5 suits for get this........ $70.00. Yes, you heard that right! And get this, she was short like me, so most of the pants were petites. We are talking Liz Claiborne, Rafaella, Evans Picone, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, and Karen Scott to name a few. Also, all fit except two pair...one was too small in their cut and the other were an 8 that were in thereand they were big. I am so happy and we exchanged numbers so I have made a new support friend as well. I am happy this morning and I am meeting my best friend who is flying in from Florida and we are going to Biltmore on Friday. I have never been and lived in NC just about all my life. Anyhow, sorry this was long, just wnated to share. It's bizarre, I think I am more excited about the deal I got than the size 6....lol although that is really nice as well.
Its good to get lucky isn't it? I am preop so I am not buying much in the way of clothes lately but I have dumped 25 pounds since January and all of my clothes are too big now. So I did go to Walmart and treat myself to three pairs of Capris in size 20 (I was wearing 26/28) and for tops in the same size. I actually feel skinnier with the new clothes. I can't wait til I have my surgery cause I know these will get too big before they wear out.
Ann and the 'Bean'
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
Blogs mysecondhalfoflife.blogspot.com/ and amanicinsomniacsreadinglist.blogspot.com/

High/Surg/current/goal - 320/253/150/healthy - I am 5' 3" tall - Size 8 now! Past surgeon's goal now!
That is fantastic Lisa! Sounds like you got almost an entire new wardrobe for $70. Don't think you could even get close to that at GW. Looked at your pics and you look awesome. You and the others here are truly an inspiration to me. I am 3 months out and have lost 63 lbs (incl the 14 i lost pre-op) and still have 125 to go. When i see y'all that are there, it makes it seem possible.
Now that you inspired me...i need to get dressed and get out for a walk before the rain hits.
Take care,
Hey Carrie!
I actually drove to Lumberton since it is quite close as well. Did you go to Raleighyesterday?? If so, did you ahve a good time. It sounds like there was a huge crowd. I did miss being there. There are still many people I want to meet that I haven't yet. Maybe next time.
How are you?
I did not get to go to Raleigh. I got a curve ball at work and missed everything last week and will probably miss out on any planned outside activities this coming week. So I had to play catch up here at home this weekend to get through the next week. So maybe next month....don't know yet...and have decided to stop trying to plan ahead anymore.....
Have a GREAT Sunday!

Carrie: Sorry you didn't get to make it to Raleigh yesterday. That work things can sure interfere with life sometimes....hehe. Seriously, you are one hard working woman for sure. Maybe things will eventually calm down and as for planning ahead....guess you can't for now.Have to take things as they come sometimes I suppose. You have a great Sunday as well. Lisa