Hi Everyone
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
Hi Evan,
I did a quick search on Veteran's Administration NC Bariatric and came up the the following link:
http://www.hsrd.research.va.gov/research/abstracts.cfm?Proje ct_ID=2141696850&UnderReview=no
This one has names of some folks at the VA in Durham that were working on a study of bariatric surgery in the VA population. Maybe they could point you to someone in the know. Hey, if they need participants for their study, maybe you can volunteer your services :-)
Long-term Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery in the Veterans Health Administration
Matthew L. Maciejewski PhD
Durham VA Medical Center
Durham, NC
Funding Period: July 2006 - June 2009
Good luck and I look forward to getting to know you,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145