stomach flu
My son had the stomach flu two days ago, and now I've got it! It "really" hit this afternoon about 5, although I was feeling ill all day. I've been in bed since then, other than a trip to the potty every half hour, ughhhhh. Realized a bad thing about this band,,,,,,,once food or what ever is in your lower stomach, the band almost prevents it from comming back up, which for me, has been hours of agony. I just want to get it over with! This is not a really good time to feel bad, I FINALLY got time off of work Monday to get to the Dr. and be evalulated for a third fill, which I need desperatly! This is the pits.!! (just wanted to whine a little bit)...... Nancy
I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope it's the 12 hour type and is gone quickly.
Until then, rest as easy as you can.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145