Endoscopy tomorrow!
I haven't had much time to worry/think about this...it kinda crept up on me, but I have my endoscopy at 7:30 am tomorrow! Last test before my surgery date of July 21st! Yayy!! After that, all I have is an endocrinologist appointment and then my pre-op visits with the NUT, Dr. K, and the anesthesiologist.....July still seems like a long way away, though....
Any tips/advice on what to expect tomorrow? I've had them scope the other end, but the upper GI remains virgin territory! (for the time being, at least!)
Keep me in prayer tomorrow morning, if you will....Thanks!
I was all worried about the Endoscopy too BUT they will give you some very good stuff and you wont remember ANYTHING at all
I went in and they said *ok we are giving you some versed in your IV and remember to swallow when we say swallow* next thing I knew I was in the recovery area with a tall glass of juice that I supposably asked for... hubby said I had a complete conversation with the Doctor and then said I was thirsty LOL I didnt remember ANY of it!! best of luck to you and dont worry you will be fine!!

Thanks for the support, guys. It was really easy....I got versed AND demerol, so I was happy nearly all day! LOL! The bad part is that nobody talked to my husband, so I have to go on what I remembered....that everything looked ok, but it was a little red, so they did a biopsy, supposedly to test for H-pylori.....guess I'll find out more when they send Dr. K the results!