Home....and not so well...
Hello, Everyone!
I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your thoughts and prayers. I also wanted to especially thank those of you who sent me a card in the hospital. It really meant the world to me to receive those.
I had to stay in a hotel for the week because Dr. Bauman required that of me since I live about 2 1/2 hours away. We had no internet at the hotel because the bad storms blew it out on the second day I was there and then it never got fixed. I felt wonderful for those days. I walked a total of 60 minutes a day. Maybe more on some days. Shannon and I found wonderful parks and things to do to make walking easy and fun. I actually felt so well like I had never had surgery.
Today, I went to see Dr. B's nurse, Tammy, and I was released to go home. I felt great.....until.....
about 2 hours into the drive. All of the sudden I started feeling nauseous and had to go to the restroom. I had diarrhea. My stomach cramped so badly. Back in the car, it kept getting worse and worse. It started to feel, and still feels, like I have something stuck in my throat. I am on liquids, so I have no idea what is happening. I took the pain killer and finally the pain subsided, so I could go to sleep. I have not had my walk or my protein today, and I do not feel up to it.
I called Tammy at my Dr's office and she said it may have been the drive. I do not know. She said to call her in the morning to let her know how I feel. I hope this gets better. I was doing so well. I have lost 23 pounds....I should be thrilled, but I feel so nasty. Any suggestions?
Hi Jamie,
I'm sorry that you had a rough trip home. I just had to travel 45 minutes and foiund that difficult. I'm sure that the drive is what cause your difficulties and that as soon as your system settles down again you'll be feeling much better.
I'm delighted to hear that you did so well and have already lost 23 lbs! Way to go!
Welcome to the loser's bench!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Glad to hear that you are home. I am sorry about your long drive and the yucky feelings. I think this will probably go away once you are settled in and rested up at home. YOu did the right thing by contacting your nurse. Stay in close touch over the next few days until everything settles down. You may have also done too much by the hour of walking just after surgery. Cut back and give it a go again. It's called two steps forward one step back. We all have to do that dance at first. Take care and let us hear from you as you continue on your journey.