Aaarrgh!.... (not OH related)
Aaaarrrght!!! Every time Rex and I have any time off together it rains!!! We were going to go to the Outer Banks this weekend but decided to stay home and get out chicken coop done this weekend. We measured everything, got all the supplies and figured it all out this week and started measuring and cutting boards early this morning hoping to get most of it done before the rain... But NOOOO it just wouldn't wait.. So now we have everything in my shed waiting until tomorrow - hopefully it won't rain tomorrow! And on top of it we missed the Nascar race (it was yesterday because of Mother's day)... We celebrated Mother's day yesterday by having his Mom & Dad and my Mom & Dad over for dinner again. It was nice.
Anyway, just had to gripe! We decided to have a lazy morning and maybe go out on a "date" later this afternoon. What are you all up to?
Have a great day & Happy Mother's day to all you Mom's out there!!!
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
He he he he he!
woo hoo!!!! shhhh!!!! Girl, you know me too well!!! Anyway, we did get a little more done on the coop, it stopped raining for about 4 hours this afternoon. Tomorrow we should be able to fini**** off and hopefully move the hens, rooster and duck on over. We have 2 more hens another rooster and another duck on their way sometime in the next 2 weeks then they'll be at Rex' house during their "incubation period" (about 3 weeks). We're going to get working on my pond next so daphany (the duck) will have a decent place to swim. We just need to clean it up some and make a focal point with some plants and flowering shrubs in one corner, and maybe a bench or two. Just 1 more project on our list of things... You know how it is...
Anyway, I hope you had a good afternoon yourself...
Hugs girl!

Hey guys! It rained here in VA most of the day too. What a bummer!!! We had a lazy morning just chilling out on the couch dozing and watching t.v. Brandon got me a tennis bracelet and a candle accompanied by a card in which he wrote me the sweetest poem!! Pretty good for a 15 year old, don't ya think??? Of course, the card is the most precious thing to me because he composed the poem himself and he has never done anything like that for me before. Anyways, we did finally rouse ourselves off the couch and ran to Wally World for a few things, went out for a late lunch/early dinner at a local steakhouse and then stopped by the cemetary to put flowers on Scott's Mom's grave (yes, it quit raining long enough to do that but as we were getting back into the car, the bottom fell out again!). My Mom is living in Arkansas so I called her and chatted for a few minutes and now I'm doing laundry and tryng to get ready for another Monday!
Hope everyone enjoyed their Mother's Day!!
Life is short ~ dance like no one's watching!!
Sorry you missed the race... it's was great to see that #88 have a good night, now if he could just get into victory lane! Dang that Kyle Busch had a great night! Hope the weather tomorrow will be more cooperative!
Alice in OneDerland
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
Woops... sorry I got busy trying to get that chicken coop done that I didn't have time to check e-mails! Oh and #88... ugh! #48 should have won... GOoooooo Jimmie Johnson!!!!! Or Rex would say #24... goooo Jeff Gordon (I don't root as loudly for him... hehe!)... Anyway, we got most of the coop done, just about 2 hours left to work on it but no time off again together until Thursday afternoon (hopefully!)... The chicks should be moving on over that same day so the pressure is on... ugh!
I hope you had a great Mother's day!!!
I had a pretty good Mother's Day...really wanted to work on my tan, but oh well. Did manage to buy 2 new purses, since I've lost weight, I need bigger purses for drinks, protein bars, snacks, etc. Those were my presents to myself. My 2 older sons called from Greensboro and we chatted for awhile which warmed my heart. Took a little cat-nap, went grocery shopping with my son, then Dh, son and I went to Applebees for dinner, during which we were slammed with the rain and hail, and all 3 dogs were outside. They were ok, thank goodness, but happy to see us! My westie is now resting comfortably between DH and I in bed, she's so spoiled! My garden is about underwater, which is not a good thing. I did something tonight I wouldnt have done prior to surgery, it was pouring when we left the restaurant, and DH offered to pull the car up so I wouldn't get wet........NOPE, I RAN in the rain! It was so fun and he thought I was nuts. I go to CHARLOTTE next weekend (note the color???????????? hehehe) am hoping for good weather! Hope everyone else had a good day!
nancy noodle
Forgot to add, called Grandma in Florida and brightened her day, and put flowers on a friends grave I lost this past year....I'm sure she loves them........HOT PINK........her color!!