GREAT DAY!!!! Approved AND Got A Date!!!!
Thanks, guys! I am really excited, even though I BEGGED the Doctor to give me a date before June 30th, so I wouldn't have to start all over with a new it's gonna cost me, but I guess I'll make up for it by not eating! LOL!
Thanks for asking about my sister....she is recovering quite well, actually. She has spent a few nights at her house, and seems to be fine, but she has to spend a few nights a week here so the home health nurses can change her wound vac. She is handling this a lot better than I thought. I only hope she keeps a good attitude as she goes through the chemo. Alice, I know you've been through this twice are also in my prayers and thoughts....cancer sucks!
I start my 2 week liquid diet on July 7th, which seems a lot closer than the surgery date! LOL! I'll be looking to you guys for support as the time draws near. Thank you so much for being there and encouraging me on my way.
Yea, Lisa!!!!
This time will fly by and before you know it, you will on the losing side!! And thanks for the update on your sister. I have been thinking of you and her and am glad to hear that she is doing well. I will continue to keep her and your family in my prayers!

Life is short ~ dance like no one's watching!!