Restless Leg Syndrome???
Hey ya'll...
Does anyone have RLS and know how to get relief without drugs??? I don't get it very often but this week I've had it 3 nights in a row... (I've been working more than usual this past week so sitting 12 hours at a time, which I know is real bad, but what ya gonna do right? Someone has to answer those 911 lines...) Anyway, right now my legs are jumping and creapy crawling like crazy and I'm hoping they don't cramp up with charlie horses like last night, that was terrible! Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated!
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)
"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
I put the bar of soap in both bottom corners under my sheets. It worked. When i first did it my husband laughed at me but then one night he woke me up in the middle of the night and asked me where his bar of soap went. I told him I did not know. He said my knees are hurting. I looked for the soap and sure enough it was gone. He does not have RLS, I do. He has arthritis. I got out of bed and looked for his soap. It had fallen down under the matress. I put it back up on top of the matress just under the sheet. Shortly there after he was back to sleep. I told my doctor about this. He said sometimes no one can explain why things work. But, if it works keep the soap there.
Ok Ok Ok... I will try it! I thought going for a nice walk today would help but I think it actually made it worse since my legs are already jumping and I'm not even laying down. Rex (my fiance') has Rhumatoid Arthritis and if it helps him I will try anything! If it helps me I would be happy too. Thanks for the suggestion, I thought Suz was just joking around on her earlier post... Sorry Suz!!!
Hugs ya'll!
Hmmmmm..... YIKES... He sleeps over once in a while... all innocent of course!!! He sleeps with his left foot on floor on that side of the bed and I sleep with my right foot on the floor on my side of the bed... lol! What ya getting me for a weddin present??? huh??? huh???
Ok... serious now... The first night the soap seemed to work - either that or I was just sooo tired from not sleeping for 3 nights that it didn't matter that my legs were jumping all over the place. Yesterday my legs were so sore and creepy crawly and jumping that I just knew I wasn't going to sleep well... Even though they did give me a bit of a problem I was able to sleep most of the night. We'll see what tonight brings.
I hope all is well with you girl! Gimme a call sometime! Rex and I worked on the chicken coop yesterday and will fini**** off this weekend.... All is well here!