OT - My co-worker is driving me BATTY!!!
Ladies, I just have to vent ... I work in an office and my co-worker is completely incompetent!! The problem is my boss LOVES her and just think she hung the moon! Everytime I go to my boss with problems, I feel like she's always making excuses for my co-worker. Granted, she's relatively new..since Sept...but seriously, how much experience does it take to file a piece of paper in the right spot. Our relationship is SO strained because she doesn't do her job and I call her out on it!!!! I would love to just find some somewhere else to work but I am very good at what I do! And I also work for the state so I really need to get my 5 years in for the retirement plan. (I'm 3.5 years already.)
Thanks for listening....if I didn't get that off my chest I think I might explode!!
I feel your pain - cause I'm in the same situation. It drives me absolutely NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really sarcastic by nature so I have a way of being very direct with her but she just doesn't "get it". Oh well it's not worth getting my bloodpressure up over. Good Luck and know that you are not alone. Mine's not a state job but it is a county government job. - Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
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