Blood Sugar/Various Updates
Hello everybody! It's been a while since I've posted but I have been reading almost daily. I'm now 7 weeks (+2 days) out from my surgery and I have lost 42 pounds since that morning (thowing confetti). What is most amazing to me, however, is my blood sugar. Prior to surgery my morning readings ranged from 150-200+ WITH TWO MEDICATIONS. I haven't taken any meds since the day before surgery and my readings have ranged from 110-125 range, until this morning. My reading this morning was 93...unreal. My blood sugar hasn't been under 100 like...ever. I can "feel" the difference also. I remember several months ago, I was having a really bad go with my blood sugar. It was over 275, I was dizzy and all I wanted to do was lie on the sofa. I told my wife that if I ever complained about surgery after I had it to remind me of that day. I was thinking about that day today as I looked at the 93 reading. It's amazing how things have changed. Thanks for listening everybody! Jason 320-295-253-200 Highest-Surgery-Current-Goal
Hey Jason: Glad to hear you are doing so well. 60 Minutes had gastric bypass as a topic last Sunday and they said diabetics are basically cured with this surgery. One of women was taking 8 insulin shots a day and since the day of more meds and normal. Docs were saying they now have to rethink gastric bypass surgery as a cure for diabetes even if they do not have the high BMI. Keep up the great job! Take care, Pam
Hi Jason,
Congratulations on your fantastic success. Like you, I'm delighted to have my weight down and enjoy the benefits of living lighter, but it's getting that darned diabetes resolved that was the real prize for me.
Wishing you continued success,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145