One Inch At A Time
With the help of Margi I have something I would like to share with my OH family.
I had a thought and or vision one night about a pin I wanted to have created.
I am sure many of you are familar with the breast cancer awarness pins.
Well Margi has created some pins similar to the breast cancer pins but the ribbon is made with a tape measure with the words On Inch At A Time across the bottum.
Tomorrow I will be posting on my avatar a picture of the pins and I plan on wearing my pin as much as possible.
To me the pin will be a reminder of how far I have come and it will make me proud to show people my pin and share my story with others.
I am also intrested in getting an idea of who would be intrested in buying a pin.
I am so looking forward to actually seeing my idea in a tangable form.
If you would like to purchase a pin always remember where you started from and where you want to go.