Time to get moving ...
By nature, I'm a sedentary soul. Unlike some of my friends and family, I'm not driven to get out there and move, but I know that I have to move my tail if I want to have lasting results from my weight loss and better health overall .... sssoooooo, I went to the gym today and the personal trainer worked with me to create a workout to tone develop my lean muscle mass. After that I went for a swim. Later in the day, I went outside and pulled weeds in the rain. I doubt that I'll ever 'like' gardening, but I like the results of it.
I've also been walking my dogs. Just the other day, I was thinking how quickly I used to get out of breath with a very short walk. Now I can walk the dogs without any difficulty at all.
Hopefully, as I continue to work out, garden and find other 'activities' to participate in, I'll find that I 'enjoy' being more active. In the meantime, I'm just going to 'do it' because I know I need to.
Do any of you struggle with motivation to get moving ... if so, have you found 'things' or activities to do that make it easier for you?
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I think my favorite form of 'exercise' is shopping too ... but it's hard to do when you're broke ... LOL!
I have started and stopped and started and stopped exercising. I keep falling off that horse too, but I also keep getting back on and hopefully, eventually I'll learn how to hang on and ride.
Like you, I enjoy swimming, so I joined a gym with a pool. Like you, I don't like getting hot and sweaty, so I'm hoping that this will help some.
I know that I have to do this ... whether I like it or not. It would be easier if I can find something I like to do that is active, but even if I don't, I know that I'm going to have to get my proverbrial a$$ in gear if I want to maintain this weight loss. I hate the thought of gaining the lost weight back more than I hate exercise ... sssoooooo, off to the gym I go.
Thanks for sharing and commiserating.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I haven't been on a bike ... you know, the real two wheel kind ... not the stationary gym kind... for years. The last time I tried one was several years ago and my balance was terrible, but worse than that, my legs were killing me within minutes. Where we live, it isn't flat ... it's rolling hills ... some with a pretty serious grade. I think I'll work on building up my legs and stamina at the gym and then, evenutally, I'm going to try to get on a bike again and see what the wind against my face feels like.
What a nice idea?! Thanks for sharing it and congratulations for all of the successes you have had; from the loss of lbs to finding the little girl who loves bike rides that makes her hair blow in the wind ... I believe that you will not only lose the excess weight, but you are also making the life changes that will enable you to lose to your potential and keep it off.
Congratulations and thanks again!
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I really see how that works well for you. However, I also see a generational difference. Since my children are grown, or nearly so, I don't have the same 'me time' issues that you do.
For me, I need to find a way to 'enjoy' the activity, so that I see it as 'ME Time.'
Keep up the work outs ... I can tell that you are really going to be successful at making the life changes necessary to get and keep the weight off.
Thanks again for your advice,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
I totally agree. It's just that it's much easier for me to carve out that time since I don't have little ones like you do ... That's actually a negative for me because I can get the time without having to work for it ... As you say, I need to find the movitation to get moving. I have it intellectually, I need find it in my heart.
Thanks again,
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145