My own room
I now have my very own workout room.
We had to move my machines so they could put in the new fireplace so after my walk I go to my room and do my machines.
I will also be getting a treadmill very soon from Lotawoman.
So I see 60 minutes of cardio climbing up to 1.5 hours of cardio.
I dont know what I would do without my music it helps me so much during my workout.
Thank God for MP3's.
I think that is great Ms. Annie. I was wondering how the hair extenssions went, I figure I am going to need them soon myself. I haven't started losing my hair but I am two months out and it should start happening soon. I want to be ready with my plan
Sandra Mannaravalappil......The Best Darn Chubby Realtor in Charlotte LOL
The hair extensions were put on hold for a few weeks.
I go and have my head measured on the 1st and then they will order wavy extensions.
I am so ready for it . We choose extensions instead of a wig or hair piece because I am having hot flashes and wigs make you hot.
Thanks for the input about the treadmill but no need to worry I will start out slow and steady like I do on all my machines and work up to a goal number.
Hi Kelly,
Did you get my message?
You are more than welcome to come check out my little space.
When we get the treadmill Lee is going to have to move the squirrel cage to the barn.
He talked about breaking down the cage but usally around the end of summer our cat brings us baby squirrels.
As for fun that is debatable LOL
I got your message at about 10pm last night. If I ever don't call you right means I didn't get your message. PLEASE CALL AGAIN!! I keep my cell phone on me at all time in case I fall. The darrn thing hasn't been consistent about ringing lately. I need to get another phone, but we have more pressing things to deal with. Glad you're well!! Kelly :)
Congratulations Annie.
I'm sure you'll really enjoy your new workout space.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145