I am so flipping tired of getting passed to one doctor to another and one phych doctor to another. I am at the doctors office at least 3 times a week. Last week the phych doctor told me to go and see my pcp doctor. That was I think friday. Ok so I went to see my pcp on tuesday and he said I was already dead inside and now I was working on the outside. For my panic attacks he gave me fuking acid reflux meds and said there is nothing else I can do for you. If you need me call. I'm not going to make you another appointment. Ok so left mad and feelings hurting. He had the nerve to tell me when I was raped that the meaness in that person that did that to me went into me. Because when people have sex they become one. Hell I didn't ask to be raped. And by my brother. He made me feel nasty,dirty inside like I done something wrong. Ok the doctor at the e.r. wants to send me to a mental hospital far from home. And that is a big hell no. If I go I want the one where I live at. Ok on top of all that bull **** Social security called me today and said they closed my case. What the hell I just applied March4th. They said they called to ask my son a few questions about me a month ago and he didn't call them back. I jumped all over his **** He said he didn't get a call. SO I called them back and ask them why didn't they call me or send a letter. She said they didn't have to do that. SO now I got to go and do all this **** over. She said it could take up to 18 months to 2 years now. I have not had a pay check in 3 months now. How in the *** am I going to pay my rent. $300.00 my lot rent $120. and my light bill around $200.00. I don't care about if anything else gets paid or not as long as I have heat and a roof over my head. I get food stamps that help so,so much. I can't help but ask god why me? What have I done for all this to happen to me. My body and mind and soul is wore out and can't fight anymore.
First, get an attorney that specializes in social security disability cases. They don't get paid until you get your settlement and the payment comes directly to them from social security.
Second, get a new primary care. What the heck is wrong with that Dr?! You need help, not a jerk.
Hang in there honey.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145