Appointment with Surgeon
Good Morning!
I had my appointment with Dr. MacDonald yesterday. It went fine once I finally saw him. We waited about 2 hours. For those of you who wanted to know what was involved...not much. He poked at my stomach, checked my throat and eyes, and asked if I had any questions. They drew a little blood for testing and then I gave a urine sample and we went home.
I was a little disappointment because it seemed almost pointless. He did answer a few questions I had and I did find out that I can choose the type of band I want because he doesn't have a preference yet. They sent my insurance paperwork in, so, hopefully, I'll hear back soon. The coordinator said it usually takes a few weeks. I have State Employee's BCBS of NC and I've heard they really don't take that long, so I'm hoping to hear something sooner. I would still like to have surgery before Memorial Day.
I hope this wasn't too discouraging to anyone. I've had a rough week and feel a little discouraged myself. I just keep telling myself that it is all going to get better soon. Here's hoping!
You're one step closer to the losers bench. I think we've all gotten so used to having to jump through the hoops that when we don't encounter one then we're disappointed. Relax - take a deep breath and look at how far you've come.
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4
I wish you the best also. We both have the same goal. I would like to have surgery before Memorial Day too. I am pre-op and I have Local Government Employee BCBS of NC too. I just finished my last pre-op appointments yesterday. I hope we can keep in touch since we may be joining the loser side of thing real soon!