Drug question...
Sheryl, have you thought about getting an injection? I have bursitis in my hip and I had it injected about 3 months ago and it helped immediately and have not had a problem since then. You might want to ask about that if the meds don't work out. The injection was very easy, they numbed me up and I never felt a thing.
Alice in OneDerland
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
Yeah we're thinking about the shot... I have a BIG phobia of needles though so yikes! I already have to get 2 shots a week for allergies and believe me it's a fight every week for me to bring myself to get those. I'm just a BIG BABY!
Anyway, I will THINK about it... UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad it helped you! Hopefullly one of these days I'll get over this and be able to suck it up and just get the injection.. I can talk big right now because I don't have another shot for a few days.. lol!
Take care!
I tried to post yesterday but the website wasn't cooperating. I had Ulcers starting in June of 2007 and it took over 6 months to get rid of them. They are SO not worth it for the sake of a NSAID.
Your taking a generic form of Mobic. I took a few things on and off but it was migraine medicine that triggered my ulcers. I spent 4 long days in the hospital getting treated for these ulcers, I was taking Nexium too at the same time.
Please be extra careful. It's way easier to get an appropriate medicine then to get an ulcer and go through the mess of a GI doctor and endoscope.
Good Luck. I do have a GI Doc in J-ville if you want to the name. I'm finally making progress but I still am desperate to move back to Charlotte, but that isn't happening!
Sorry for the delay... and thank you for the reply and info! I've only taken 1 pill so far and the doc said to only take them as needed so it probably wont be very often. There isnt another type of pill to take since it's an anti-inflamatory that helps with the pain. If it gets unbearable I will do the shots, but I WONT like it - lol!
I'm glad you're making progress! Good luck on the move back to Charlotte, I like it here - but I've never been to Charlotte so I dunno what it's like... I grew up in San Diego so it's kinda strange that I like this small country type area, but I guess it's because I have a lot of family and friends here. I'm very involved in the community and choirs so that makes a difference too... I lived here from 1999 to 2002 then moved back to San Diego (I was bored out of my mind living here), then about 2 years later I realized I really hadn't given NC a chance so back I came and I love it... Guess it's all about mind set... Anyway, good luck to you, I hope you get what you want and feel good about it!
Take care!