Drug question...

on 4/21/08 10:55 am - Richlands, NC
Hey ya'll... I just started taking a perscription for byrcitis in my shoulder and wanted to know if there is a reason I shouldn't be taking it since my WLS was over 5 years ago.  I went on a website and read about it but of course it doesn't say anything about WLS.  I will call my doc tomorrow but dummy me took it tonight when nothing is open... ugh!  Oh, it's called MELOXICAM 15mg's..  (it is a NAISAD???  Whatever that is) Thanks in advance!!! Sheryl
on 4/21/08 11:15 am - Sanford, NC
Sheryl, I really don't know much about meds, but NSAIDs are supposedly really hard on our pouches, and are off-limits according to my Dr.  I'm sure one dose isn't going to hurt you, so don't stress over it, but definitely check with your doc tomorrow morning.
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker 


on 4/21/08 11:26 am - Winterville, NC
NSAID stands for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflamitory Drug.  The reason they're off limits is because of their tendency to cause ulcers.  You will not do any harm taking one here and there, but you shouldn't be on one daily, long term.  As the above post suggests, just call your doctor in the morning and see if there are any other Non-NSAID options. Take care. Ellen

Own it all, it's yours!

425/350/185/150  Highest/Surgery/Current/Goal

on 4/21/08 11:38 am - Richlands, NC
Thanks girls!  I will call the doc in the morning...  My arthritis doc asked me if I was allowed to take NSAID's and I told him I wasn't sure due to my WLS.  I sure hope they have some other anti-inflamitory drug I can take that's not a NSAID, it is sure helping with the pain already.  He wanted to do a cortizone shot but shots scare the *#^%^ out of me...ugh!  I will call Dr. MacDonald and see what he has to say.   Thanks again!
08/22/2002 (WLS date)
425/177/238/160 (high/low/current/goal)

"Don't count the moments but make the moments count!!"
on 4/21/08 12:06 pm - Spring Hope, NC

Meloxicam is an NSAID and is a BIG NO NO  for WLS patients.  The cortisone shot sounds terrible but it is really worth it and you will get faster relief from it.   I have spinal arthritis and I have to have a shot of cortisone every once in a while to quiet things down.   I don't take anything but Tylenol for the inflammation.   You can have an injection directly into the joint or just get a shot of Prednisone in the behind.   The joint medication is usually Solu-Medrol mixed with Bupivacaine and saline.   Good Luck !

on 4/21/08 1:05 pm - Richlands, NC
Thanks for the info.  I just have a thing about needles, and I didn't realize what a NSAID was until now... sooooo, I will call the doc tomorrow and we'll have to figure something else out.  Tylenol just isn't doing the trick any more, there has to be something else that isn't a "no-no"...  yikes! Have a great night! Sheryl
Andrea U.
on 4/21/08 9:53 pm - Wilson, NC
I can tell you from personal experience that the shots *HURT*, but are well worth it. I walked around on a broken foot for 4 months before I could get it fixed.. my only relief were the shots.  I also get steroid shots every 12 weeks for migraines. So while they scare you, they are better than the ulcer.  Friend of mine's hubby took *1* advil, ended up in the hospital with a bleeding ulcer, was hospitalized for 2 weeks, on blood transfusions, etc.  Said he almost died.  And that was from *1* advil. Good luck finding some relief.  It sucks to be in pain.
on 4/22/08 8:42 am - Richlands, NC
Yikes!  I'm glad he's doing ok!  I talked with Dr. MacDonald's nurse and she said I could take the meds for a while but would have to take Previcid or something like that along with it.  She said the shots would do better for me too...  I have a call in to my arthritis doc too and we'll figure out where to go from here.  Thanks again! Sheryl
on 4/21/08 11:12 pm - NC
Everyone has different opinions from their doctor. I was prescribed Celebrex for my arthritis. That's an NSAID too. Doctor said to be sure I take a Prilosec or Nexium daily to coat my stomach before taking it.  So far, all's well...but still ask your doc. xoxo Mare PS - Love my bath yummies! TY  ;O)
First visit with surgeon 2/07-383lbs  Day of surgery 2/08-336lbs  Current-226lbs

on 4/22/08 8:44 am - Richlands, NC
(((Mare))), Hey girl... Yeah that's pretty much what they told me too...  But I'm only supposed to take it short term so will have to wait and see what happens from here.  I'm glad you like your goodies, just a little something. Sheryl
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