OT: Prayers needed (a little long)
I know this is off topic but when I need advice or a pick me up I come here since I do not have family here in NC. We just found out on Thursday that my husband who is a Marine and will be leaving in a week to go help some Marines in Barstow, California, he is only going to be gone for 2 months (we have been through a deployment which was 7 months) so 2 months is nothing compared to that but still its going to be hard. So just pray for me that I keep my sanity as I have a 15 month old daughter but she does keep me busy. Also my daughter has to have an edoscopy done on May 1st at her gastro specialist in Chapel Hill. My husband will not be here for this and I am scared out of my mind that I have to go through this alone. My daughter has had surgery before so I know what to expect but of course you dont want your daughter to have to go through this. She is having an edoscopy due to that she still spits up or throws up about 2 times a day like a newborn. Its just not normal for her age anymore. Just pray for me that I can get through this by myself and for me to stay strong. I want to thank all you ladies for support and encouragement. It means so much.
AWWW girlie!! I am so sorry to hear that you have to go through all of this right now!! You are a very strong woman and I know you can do this!! It may not be easy at times, but you will make it through!! It is the hardest thing in the world having to deal with health problems with our little ones!! Remember god does not give us what we cannot handle!! She will be in good hands at Chapel Hill and hopefully they will figure out what is wrong with her!! We totally need to get together while your hubby is gone, maybe a playdate at a park or something!! What do you think?? Please let me know if I can do anything for you or if you need anything!! You will definately be in my prayers! Keep the faith and everything will turn out right!! (((HUGS)))
Thanks Jami that means so much...we will so have to do a playdate my daughter loves being outside, we took her to the beach for the first time last weekend (wll she went when she was small but doesnt remember) but she loved the water and the sand. I try to take her to the park or outside atleast everyother day bc she gets stir crazy and so do I. Thanks again
Grammylew I am going to try my hardest to come on tuesday, just depends if my husband gets off in time. And I always do appreciate everyones words and encouragement on here. Thank you for yours..it means so much. I have been a marine wife for almost 4 years now and hes making a career of it so many more to come. Thank you again
I was active duty for four years and hubby is on his 11th year and is a lifer...our entire family is in California and Oregon and yes it is hard when they are away but I KNOW You can do it!!!! best of luck to you and your daughter and be glad you get to go to Chapel Hill which is waayyyy better then the Naval Hospital!!!! best of luck to you!!!
I was active duty for four years and hubby is on his 11th year and is a lifer...our entire family is in California and Oregon and yes it is hard when they are away but I KNOW You can do it!!!! best of luck to you and your daughter and be glad you get to go to Chapel Hill which is waayyyy better then the Naval Hospital!!!! best of luck to you!!!