60 Minutes today talks about gastric bypass
I watched it and it was actually really good. They portrayed the Gastric Bypass in a positive light. They talked about getting rid of Diabetes and other co-morbidities by having the surgery.
There is a link to the show. Of course I don't know how to make the link clickable!
Thanks Pam for telling us it was on!
It was great. One lady was taking 8 injections of insulin per day and was cured immediately following the surgery. They said they may need rethink it as a cure for diabetes. Also, cancer from obesity is decreased by half as the wt loss stays off. You can read some of it on the link posted in the previous post but it was in a very positive light. One doc also said the fatality rate is now only 1 in thousand which is less than gallbladder surgery.
Take care, Pam