Protein Bullets - BLECH
I HATE them as well but they offer a fast easy way for me to get my protein in.. I hate Orange ones and have been using Grape lately.. I mix them with grape cystal light OR I pretend I am at a bar with all my NC OH friends and we are doing *Shots* LMAO that also helps me get them down!!! I feel your pain but just do it quickly and try to SHOOT them down your throat without actually getting that nasty taste on your tongue
I HATE them as well but they offer a fast easy way for me to get my protein in.. I hate Orange ones and have been using Grape lately.. I mix them with grape cystal light OR I pretend I am at a bar with all my NC OH friends and we are doing *Shots* LMAO that also helps me get them down!!! I feel your pain but just do it quickly and try to SHOOT them down your throat without actually getting that nasty taste on your tongue
