
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Ugh -- I'm so sorry that you're dealing with RA. You're so right that it won't go away with weight loss but that you are increasing quality of living in other respects. It would be so great if there were commensurate improvement in your RA as you lost weight and made so many changes in your life. How long have you been with your rheumatologist? Do you like him/her? When were you diagnosed? My PCP wants to refer me to a new rheumatologist (my old one retired), but ... with the WLS and the visits to the PCP and the lab work, I feel that I'm overburdened with doctor appointments. I have had one every single day for the past week. I am just too fatigued right now to think about going through the new-patient-of-a-specialist rigamarole. Maybe in a few weeks.
I was diagnosed with RA in 1998 after beginning to "hurt all over" for no reason. I was 20 yo when I was diagnosed. I stick to it that a car accident from appx a year or so before is what caused it. I did a lot of resear*****ollege when I found out I had it and it said something has to "trigger" the RA factor... I broke my wrist in a car accident in December 1996... it was not my fault and to this day blame my RA on it... It's just so unfair!
Anyway, I go to Physician's East here in Greenville. I'm VERY happy with them and my rhematologist. When I was first diagnosed (by my PCP in my hometown) I went to an RA up there who put me on 20mg of prednisone and some really expensive arthritis medicine (I can't remember the name). it ws like $100 a month! It didn't help and I had a really hard time. It was probably about the hardest year ot two of my life. Just walking to my bedroom was hard-- we lived in a two story townhouse at the time so having to climb those stairs (as well as go down them) hurt!!! I decided to go to a doctor here in Greenville and he was just as bad. I had looked so forward to meeting him and getting help and I left no better off than when I went in. He kept me on all of the same meds and at first thought I had LUPUS! I left in tears. I talked to a friend who's husband and fibermyalgia (sp?) and they referred me to PE... I met my RA doc and he was great! Started a protocol to get me off the prednisone and started metotrexate. He retired about 2 years ago and I now see another doctor in his practice-- Duncan Fagundus. Dr. F is good, but not Dr. R. He has grown on me though and is very supportive of my choice to have WLS!!! He was supportive when i told him I didn't want to, but provided suggestions as to why I should think more about it. I'm very happy in the entire facility and him as an RA doctor. Over the years, I gradually got the prednisone down to 10mg a day, then to 5mg a day and just before surgery had to wean off it completely due to risk of infection. THANKFULLY, I've not gone back on prednisone since surgery in October... I currently take Enbrel weekly (it's injectible and James gives it to me). It has helped (I was off everything but prednisone for a while to try and get pregnant and found I had to have SOMETHING), but it still isn't "miracle" drug... It helps me to "live", although some days are better than others. believe it or not, the cooler weather DOES affect me negatively! These nice spring/warm days I feel much better than the cool/rainy/wet days... I guess the old wives tale is right. ANYWAY, I'm sure that is much longer of a response that what you wanted, but you can see that I kind of have an idea what you are going through... I hope you feel better soon!!!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
Holy cow, that's been quite a journey. I'm glad you found a doc you clicked with, but sorry that he's retired. That's not fair! He should have to find you a truly equivalent substitute before he left. I, too, believe there are triggers for rheumatoid diseases and disorders. After all, RA and fibromyalgia are considered autoimmune disorders, and something has to trigger them. It's so hard to find a doc who's a good fit. And so many wrong diagnoses! I can't imagine being told I have lupus by mistake. Argh. And when you're in chronic pain and don't really know why, it's tough to stay sharp enough to be a good advocate for yourself when you're up against an M.D. who thinks he or she knows all. Many times when I go see a new doc and he or she looks at my initial lab work, they want to test me for thalassemia -- I've been tested for thalassemia twelve kabilliajillion times in the past ten years! I. DON'T. HAVE. THALASSEMIA!! The docs who don't believe me and get surly about my telling them are the ones I don't see again. Prednisone is such a tough drug. It can be soooooo helpful, but it's also a chancy thing to have to take for long periods of time. I'm kind of surprised they haven't come up with an improvement on prednisone, some way to strip out the awful side effects and keep the good effects. Here's wishing you lots of warm and rain-free days with low humidity! And hopefully someday there'll be a new treatment for RA and fibromyalgia that works at the source. Let's keep our fingers crossed!
First of all, I don't think that your 'gain' is a true 'gain' because to be honest, if you have never taken in more than 1600 calories you would still be at a basal metabolic deficit because your body requires more than 1600 calories a day to maintain it's current weight. Of course, I'm not a medical professional, but I'll bet that there is some fluid retention going on and once it's resolved you'll see the actual results of the work you have been doing.
I don't have fibromyalgia, but I have a dear neice who does and know that it truly impairs her life. I'm so very sorry to hear that you are experiencing a nasty flare up and I hope that it will abate soon.
You mentioned that you go to the Cancer Centers of NC ... I do too, but for a very different reason. I have hemochromatosis and I see Dr. Maha ElKordy. She and all of the staff there are just fantastic, caring and competent.
While I don't know what you are going through, if you need a shoulder or a hug, please let me know. I'll be glad to provide either or both.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
This might be relevant for those with arthritic symptoms so I thought I would share. I'm still learning about this grouping of foods so I thought I would put it out there in case others have more info they can share. Nightshade foods. I've heard many people talk bout avoiding the nightshade group of foods for decreasing arthritic symptoms. I've attached one article below but if you google it theres a lot of info out there. 421 Have a great night---Amy