I am home from Surgery
Hey Liz, I am around. In a bit of pain, I went for my walk this evening outside and there was a loose dog outside. Well he was barking and carrying on and I called my sister who was staying at my house and told her to have the front door open, I was going to make a run for it. He had me cornered, then she reminded me about my patio so I slowly back away and make a run for it thru my backyard until I get inside. I went to my front window and this dog is in my front yard barking and yelping. I called Animal patrol to have the dog picked up but they were gone for the day. I will be calling tomorrow. Once I sat down to catch my breath I realized how sore I was, I went to check my incisions to make sure nothing pulled and it didnt, but that scared the crap out of me. I like dogs and all but this was a big boxer and it literally just came out of nowhere. I have to start walking with a stick I guess. Other than that I have been ok.. Sipping and resting. I tried a popscicle tonight and it went down ok. Other than that, I have been sticking to protein shakes and water and crystal light. I cannot wait to have an egg. I go for my post op appointment on Wednesday. When is yours?
I forgot to tell you. I never found the place in my profile to add my weight ticker. I guess I need exact step by step.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
Went to outlets. I am pooped. My son is here. I showed him my wounds. I went to Vitiman world today and got some vanilla whey. I am going to try to be creative tonight. Husband and kids are going for dinner somewhere and then to the movies. So I am thinking about making some broth and smoothie shake. I will let you know how that goes. That dog story is scary. I am not a animal person. I grew up with animals and felt burden by them. I like other peoples animals but I am not an animal person. I am afraid of most dogs. I am allergic to cats. I got on the scale today I am at 250.2. It is truly amazing. My next doctors appointment is May 8th I am so not pleased with this date but I will live. I have been thinking of eggs too. But it will be three more weeks til I get any food. I will pop back later tonight.
Take care