Calling All Charlotte Girls!!!
I can't make it , it's my month to hold the EFEST ( estrogen festival) my girls and I all get together there is eating , drinking, laugh and lot's of fun. It starts at 7 and goes on until early morning. I'd be glad to have you all att he efest if you want to come
Sandra Mannaravalappil......The Best Darn Chubby Realtor in Charlotte LOL
I was being honest! LOL
Any more plans with this? I gotta be prepared ya know...for when the hubby asks me what I want to do this weekend... LOL!!
ROBIN....!! Where you been woman?? - Got Avon? Its not just about makeup anymore... Always check out the "About Avon" tab on my website for my latest special. Thanks for Browzing!!
THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi kiddo! - Business has been so busy - I have three Spa Cafes in the next six weeks around the Charlotte metro area. Since they include a skin analysis, facial, massage, and hand massage and there are about 20 spots per cafe, it is a zoo! And that doesn't count driving to Atlanta many weekends in a row for business there. It's been . . . busy.
How are you? And how's your Avon business going? And your job search?