J'ville area and sizes 16-18
I have a load of clothes to give away, sizes 16 and 18. I can bring them with me to the Bean's meeting on the 22nd, or I could meet you somewhere if you are interested in them!! They include everything from dress-up to shorts and jeans. Some were givien to me and some are from my closet that I can no longer wear. Just let me know and there all yours! First come first serve! BE BLESSED! Andrea
Just an idea when no one wanted my 18s I put them on Jacksonville Freecycle and about 30 people responded and I picked the first person and within ONE hour they came and got them from my house!!! I gave all my 16s to Tarynn and I have two pairs of 14 jeans I will be bringing to the meeting if you want them???
Just an idea when no one wanted my 18s I put them on Jacksonville Freecycle and about 30 people responded and I picked the first person and within ONE hour they came and got them from my house!!! I gave all my 16s to Tarynn and I have two pairs of 14 jeans I will be bringing to the meeting if you want them???