9 month surgiversary

I told Todd when I saw him on Monday that Goodwill Shopping was the place to go! When you start getting all skinny we can go together.. of course I have tons of clothes from 18 on down.. and about 80% of what I wear now comes from the GW Boutique. LOL When I was loosing so fast I bought stuff there out of necessity, now I love the thrill of the hunt. That Ann Taylor skirt was a FIND!
Dr. K is the best. How is your progress going? What step are you on? Fill me in girl!
And as far as me being the "4th hottest teacher.." lol.. I had a kid actually tell me that. LOL Can you beieve it? I am behind the twins and another young english teacher. Go figure. I will take 4th because all of them are in their mid-20's. Not too shabby for a 35 year old woman.
Thanks for all of your support.. I am so looking forward to seeing your transformation too!
It would be AWESOME to get a group together to do something together. Maybe a cruise or disney.. that would be awesome! Are we doing any beach trips anytime soon?
Also.. Thanks so much Darcie for your support and friendship. I feel like we have known each other forever! Your encouragement, kind words, support and friendship have meant way more than you will ever know on this side of Heaven!