2nd endoscopy tomorrow
January's showed a really nasty ulcer. Tomorrow I have to be at Pitt Memorial @8 am for my 2nd one. I've been on Nexium since January and I've kicked the caffeine habit and given up spicy foods (for now). BUt since I didn't know that I even had an ulcer - I have no idea if this thing has gotten better or not. I'm starting to get myself really worked up over it.
May 1st is my final weigh in with my Primary doc for the 6 month supervised program. I'm getting so close I guess I'm just really nervous that something will go wrong. I know that insurance (Cigna) can be a bear to deal with but so far they've been very helpful in answering my billing questions and concerns.
It'll be my luck that the ulcer had done well since January but I stressed out over this and made it flare up. UGHHHH>>>>>>>>
- Iris
Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Highest Surgery Lowest Current
314.5 294 208 258.4