WLS Conference in Charlotte, NC (not OH)
Join Us!
Weight Loss Surgery Conference
Success: After Weight Loss Surgery
Are you still losing? Have you stopped losing?
Are you regaining weight?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, you are not alone!
Come learn winning ways to lose. Join others who have chosen Weight Loss Surgery to improve their lives. Bond with those who are re-charging, re-focusing and revving-up their weight loss!
Featured speakers specializing in Bariatrics & Weight Loss Surgery will include: Bariatric Surgeon, Plastic Surgeon, Mental Health Professionals, a Nurse, Physician Assistant, Exercise Physiologist, and Registered Dietician.
Keynote Speaker
Katie Jay: Director of the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery and author of “Small Bites: Daily Inspirations for Weight Loss Surgery Patients” & “ Dying to Change: My Really Heavy Life Story, How Weight Loss Surgery Gave Me Hope.”
When: May 2nd- 4th, 2008
Where: Charlotte University Hilton Hotel
8629 J M
How: Return your registration form
by April 18th! Space is Limited!
For reservations call (704) 547-7444, Special room rate with code *B2GC*
For more information please e-mail [email protected]
Success: After Weight Loss Surgery
Friday, May 2:
4:30 – 5:30PM Check-In and On-Site Registration
5:30 – 6:30PM Participant Meet & Greet
6:30 – 8:00PM Dinner – Timing, Expectations and the Art of Body Contouring
Speaker: Peter J. Capizzi, MD, FACS
9:00PM Activities End – Personal Time
Saturday, May 3:
6:30 – 7:30AM Group Exercise Session with Annie Lee
8:00AM Breakfast – (on your own, protein samples available at general session)
9:00AM General Session – Calories In vs. Calories Out – Putting Your Tool to Work
Speaker: David C. Voellinger, MD, FACS
10:00AM Break – Water/Stretch/Restroom
10:15AM Session 1 – Break Out Groups
Track A: Consumption Assumption
Speaker: Heather Mackie, MS, RD, LDN
Track B: A Thyroid Problem Doesn’t Make You Pick-up Chocolate Cake
Speakers: Lin Hanley, ACSW, LCSW and Cleo Caldwell, RN
Track C: I Don’t Have 15 Minutes to Exercise - But I Do for the Drive-Thru!
Speaker: Annie Lee, MS
11:30AM Lunch – Slide Show
1:00PM Session 2 – Break Out Groups for Track A, B, C
2:00PM Break – Water/Stretch/Restroom
2:15PM Session 3 – Break Out Groups for Track A, B, C
3:15PM Break – Water/Stretch/Restroom
3:30PM Gender Specific Sessions – “It” Wasn’t an Issue Until I had Weight Loss Surgery
Speakers: Kendra Kirby, MSW, P-LCSW and Jeff Lorence, MA, LPA
4:30PM Personal Time to Explore
6:30PM Dinner – Do You Have a “Fat” Personality?
Keynote Speaker: Katie Jay – Director, National Association for WLS
9:00PM Activities End – Personal Time
Sunday, May 4:
6:30 – 7:30AM Group Exercise Session with Annie Lee
8:00AM Breakfast – (on your own, protein samples available at general session)
9:00AM General Session – Getting Back on the Wagon
Speaker: David C. Voellinger, MD, FACS
9:45AM Break – Water/Stretch/Restroom
10:00AM General Session – The Role of Medical Management after Weight Loss Surgery
11:00AM General Session – What Did I Come With & What Will I Leave With?
12:00PM Wrap-Up/Evaluations/End of Conference
12:30PM Check-Out – Safe Travels
“Consumption Assumption”: This is going to be it! You’ve turned the page on your old ha*****apter and you’re headed in the right direction with your food choices… right?
Stinking thinking and quick trigger responses coming back into play? Did having one cookie turn into four? Just like before…
Have your food journal assessed by a nutritionist. Come learn new ways to fill your pouch, feel satisfied with healthy and wholesome calories.
Don’t let your “cheat treat” be your defeat ever again!
“A Thyroid Problem Doesn’t Make You Pick-up Chocolate Cake”: You had surgery because somewhere at sometime you realized your health was heading down hill fast, if it wasn’t sitting at the bottom already.
Weight came off, medicines were discontinued from your file, you’re having fewer and fewer office visits, and you feel great! You just KNEW it was that diabetes, thyroid, OSA that was keeping you obese…
So why is it so hard to get to goal? Why is weight creeping back on?
What could possibly be wrong now? Is it back to the doctor, or is time for a self-evaluation…
Come create your own file, what can you discontinue from your own life? What assisted those ailments in your battle with obesity; could it have been cheese crackers and rocky road ice cream?
Let’s find out together, those snacks and old emotions could be sitting in someone else’s pantry too…
“I Don’t Have an Extra 15 Minutes to Exercise – But I Do for the Drive-Thru!”: You don’t recall ever being told to exercise after surgery… Your doctor didn’t even make you have a fitness evaluation before you had your procedure!
Why do I have to learn how to implement proper fitness into my life? You never wanted to be a skinny-minny and you certainly don’t want to “bulk-up”…
Who has time to walk laps around the neighborhood with soccer practice- piano recitals- house ware parties and has anyone seen my spouse?
You may never learn to Love exercise, but you can learn what benefits it has for you mind and soul, not just your body! Get the fundamentals of exercise for bodies that are going through transformations.
Spamming? Wow, I didn't think that was spamming. We've actually put together a great conference, which will not lead into a "sales pitch." Well unless getting encouragement and support from others that might be in the same boat as you is a sales pitch… which actually wouldn’t be a bad pitch…
We're hoping to lend some support to the patients that are falling off of their intended WLS journey, which feel left out as new generations of WLS patients come along... and they find themselves not at goal.. or re-gaining. There is an up rise of revisional surgeries, before people look into revisions perhaps they just need to be encouraged to "go back to basics." That is something taught all over the , but not really pounded out here in NC. Not a lot of support after surgery... ? Especially for us that had it more then 5-6 years ago.
We have 3 national sponsors for this conference... but after you posted I conveniently got asked to not post about the conference... so ummm if anyone would like to know more, feel free to contact me!
Oh and if you have more questions that you'd like answered specifically mrsbu, I would be happy to answer all of them, just ask!