Pain at waist

I had a pain that sounds similar to yours. It was in my waist line and sometimes felt like it was just below my navel. I called my doc and they thought it was "positional". I dont know what they meant unless they felt like it was coming from the way i was sitting or carrying myself. They told me that even subconscious we tend to carry ourselves different after having any surgery as to protect the area from strain and they said that it could be a muscle that I hadnt used! I dont know! but I think alot of mine was from being bloated. When I would lift my pants off of my stomach it was relief. I also read a book by Susan Leach (she had rny) and she stayed bloated for about 3 weeks. And thats about how long my pain lasted. It wasnt all day ever day but sometimes it would bend me over. I would lay down for 10 mins or so and it would pass. And I was wearing elastic waisted pants too. I hope this helps some. Melissa
429/395/225/184/185 6' height
1st dr appt/surgery/dr goal/current/my goal

373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!