Celebrating my 6 Month Surgiversary!
Ahhhhh, patience! Well, it looks like you're making great strides too! Definitely keep in mind that it didn't happen overnight for any of us. It just seems that way when you're looking at 6 month or 1 year results! Bottom line is...it's happenning, and it's way more than I could do on my own!
Keep at it...you'll get there!
Pats on the back to you Deb! You are amazing. Just when I was feeling down about all of this I read your post and tell myself I can do it too. I tell you I look forward to the day my rear-end will fit in one of those plastic outdoor chairs too. You have accomplished alot in 6 months. I hope when I reach my 6 months mark I can relate to what you have accomplished.
Again congrats!

429/395/225/184/185 6' height
1st dr appt/surgery/dr goal/current/my goal
Thank you Melissa,
I know it's easy to get down sometimes. You don't always feel good and it can be frustrating. But this will work for you, just like it worked for me. Before the summer is over, you'll be invited to someone's picnic and will have to sit in one of those chairs! You'll be terrified, until you actually try it and realize you fit...and better yet...you won't have to hold it down when you stand up! :)