OT: I want a White German Shepherd Puppy Dog experts I need an opinion
I want another dog , I have one and he is the love of my life, he too is a white shep and the prince of all dogs. We have had him for about 8 years and he was older when we got him. I would love to get some puppies but am not sure how he would react to new puppies in his castle. Should I bring him to the puppy farm and see if he likes any of them...My boy Smelly was a rescue from a shelter which is how we hvae always gotten our white sheps, I am thinking that a puppy or two might be good for him some company when I am gone.If I get two puppies even if he is not thrilled they can take care of eachother and play and not bother him. He used to have two cats but they passed away last year. I am in a quandry what should I do
My question is this.. is your older dog in good shape? Free from physical ailments? We introduced a GSD puppy in our home just over 2 yrs ago (got him before we knew I was pregnant with our daughter). Our older dog has pretty bad displaysia, and won't play rough with the puppy. She tolerated him around, and would teach him "manners".. was pretty patient.. but couldn't really play with him like big dogs can (and like to do). The GSD still has alot of energy that he can't expel around her, and it makes him bored. So if your older dog has some physical issues, I'd think about getting 2.. so the puppies have someone else to play rough with. The older dog can still be the Alpha and teach manners, but the kiddos can get their energy taken care of with each other. Does that make sense? Maybe?