Anyone have a problem with hypothyroidism after surgery? I went to the PCP today for a bp ck and also as i am still tired. Haven't lost wt in 13 days even though i have kicked up my exercise alot. She sent me to the lab to test for hypothyroidism and advised that alot of patients experience this after surgery or fast wt loss. I did some additional research and found that it hits 20% of perimenopausal and post menopausal women. Now i just have to wait for my lab results. Take care, Pam
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after my surgery. I don't know if it was ever checked prior to surgery, and my mother has had thyroid issues since her 20's.. So I can't be certain it was due to surgery or to genetics or even a combo of the two.
The medicine is very small.. about the size of my baby's fingernail. It's picky, though.. doesn't like to be taken with this or that, on an empty stomach and a few hours before food, etc.
I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 20. I take medicine (synthroid) every day to regulate it. As much as I can tell, it doesn't typically bother me when I eat. I take it at night and then go to bed so that might have something to do with it.
I hope they find out what is making you tired. Hopefully it will make you feel better!
373/334/184/188/175/ - Highest/Surgery/Lowest-PrePregnancy/Current/First Goal
It's a BOY!
I was on synthroid from 14 until 33 when I got pregnant and body chemistry changed I didn't need it anymore. Here it is 20 years later and who knows. I should have my test results within a week. Been 14 days and scale still not moving. Think i am more frustrated with that than being tired as I am finally able to push myself.
I'm sorry to hear you're still feeling exhausted, Pam. Hope you're better soon!
I'm at the same point you are: fatigued and exhausted, scale not moving much. I'm counting on the experience of others: as the weight comes off, energy will increase. New pain meds are helping with some of the fibromyalgia, and I just had more tests done to check for rheumatoid arthritis. But my thyroid tests all came back looking fine!
How long before your lab results come back?
Interesting! I was diagnosed last summer with hyper. I wonder if surgery will affect that. I go see my Endo next Weds to see where my levels are. It would be great if losing weight helped with the thyroid, but sadly I don't think it matters.
I hope yo get to feeling better and get some answers soon.